Short Fiction
The Earthlight Bright Before Her
Fusion Fragment, February 2025
9000 words
Li Shihua has lived most of her adult life on-board a lunar station, constantly battling the unforgiving environment for survival. She has always known the station’s entire existence is built on sacrifice, and she is determined to pass on this lesson to the next generation.
A Most Lovely Song
Podcastle, October 2024
5000 words
Beginning in 1939, successive generations of Chinese men receive the unique political insights of a magical talking bird.
Another Such Victory
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, September 2024
14500 words
Nusrat Choudhury is one of the few people in the world who can pilot the massive humanoid weapons known as Kaina/Batra Units. Even as she’s ground down by constant combat and thrust into an unfamiliar political conflict, she understands—she’s a good Pilot, and she has to win.
A Prototype of Yourself
Inner Worlds, August 2024
5000 words
In the near future, thinkbots provide an alternative to traditional talk therapy. The more a high school boy uses his thinkbot, the more conflicted his feelings towards it become.
Matryoshka City
The Future Fire, July 2024
8600 words
A man, compelled by his duty to visit a strange, layered world, uncovers the meaning of truth.
Small Wonders, May 2024
1000 words
A magic-wielding duelist struggles with the way that she’s perceived.
When the Oracle Speaks
Metaphorosis, July 2023
9000 words
In the aftermath of a war, a prince meets an oracle who’s never wrong.